Your child can access our class’s word lists and any assignments due while logged in. Once logged in, your child will be taken directly to our classroom’s homepage. The vocabulary and spelling lists will appear on the left side of the page below my Welcome Message & Daily Instructions. If your child has an assignment to complete, it will appear at the top of the page in a green box titled "Assignments Due". Please be sure that every time your child accesses this site, he or she is logged in and completely finishes each game or activity to ensure that all activity is recorded and credited. To see your child’s progress, you can access his/her student records by selecting "My Records" from the menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page when your child is logged in. Working together as a team will go a long way toward not only guiding our students toward academic success, but also ensuring that they become independent lifelong learners.
Ann Macheca
Ann Macheca's Lists
J.c. Thompson Elementary School 440 Wishbone Lane Haslet, TX 76052 US