- Ables 2ndgrade
- Tres 3rdgrade
- Sonya Anthony
- Mrs Barlow
- Teresa Barlow
- Rebecca Barta
- Jamie Blizzard
- Kelly Bolden
- Denise Brennan
- Rachel Brock
- Nadine Brown
- Alexandra Butler
- Chong Chanthraboutda
- Kourtney Clopton
- Denise Creech
- Victoria Crowder
- Jordan Dawkins
- Kyrie Donohue
- Kyrie Donohue
- Monica Evans
- Amy Farley
- Tiffany Freeman
- Tammy Gardner
- Allison Gomez
- Christy Gutierrez
- Christy Gutierrez
- Casey Havrilla
- Heather Heilman
- Candace Hudson leach
- Debra Jackson
- Tonya Johnson
- Tonya Johnson
- Hollie Krieger
- Ryan Kyles
- Chelsey Love
- Keisha Lovell
- Steven Maglio
- Isabel Malone
- Ashley Mccormick
- Towanda Mcneil
- Jennifer Mendoza
- Michelle Mikeska
- Susan Mintz
- Marjorie Murphy
- Brittany Nault
- Chris Olver
- Bernadette Palomino
- Kathrine Pierce
- Natalie Plavney
- Brandy Seeley
- Natalie Smith
- Amy Sobers
- Christy Stephens
- Lashanda Tate
- Terry Teston
- Brandi Wilcox
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
- Alice W. Douse Elementary
- Bellaire Elementary School
- Cedar Valley Elementary School
- Charles Patterson Middle School
- Clarke Elementary School
- Ellison High School
- Grace Lutheran School
- Liberty Hill Middle School
- Memorial Baptist Academy
- Olive Branch Acton Academy
- Palo Alto Middle School
- Reeces Creek Elementary School
- Saegert Elementary School
- Shoemaker High School
- Sugar Loaf Elementary School
- Trimmier Elementary School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.