Word Study Practice Made Easy!
Improve Classroom Achievements

Effortlessly reinforce vocabulary and spelling instruction to help students keep up, catch up, or stay ahead!

  • Effortlessly reinforce vocabulary and spelling instruction to help students keep up, catch up, or stay ahead!
  • Motivate and reward students with customizable avatars
  • Target vocabulary instruction with actionable data
  • Create an effective vocabulary retention cycle
  • Differentiate vocabulary, phonics & spelling instruction
  • Perfect fit for Literacy Centers
  • Curriculum- and standards-aligned word lists
  • Learning A-Z resource word lists
  • Automated testing and grading to track student progress
Try a Sample Game
Try a

Create a List
Type four words in the spaces below

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

an Activity


Play and Learn
Play the game using your words

Easy-to-Use Tools
Increase Effectiveness of Vocabulary Instruction

Our tools complement classroom instruction and help manage center rotations during small group instruction.

  • Import our ready-made lists or create your own
  • Pair word lists with over 40 Premium games & activities
  • Assign word study to groups or individuals
  • Customize assignments and word lists
  • Review lists based on students' progress
  • Immediate feedback allows for independent learning
  • Progress report for Improved Parent-Teacher Conversations