Spellingcity School
Type: Public School
School District: Vsc Qa School District
Street Address: 6300 Ne 1st Avenue Suite 203
City: Ft Lauderdale
State: FL
Postal Code: 33334
Country: USA
- Time 4writing
- NoNameHere
- Amazon Account
- Test Account
- R2 Admin
- Marisol Almaraz
- Raven Amos
- Rachel Boharic
- Desiree Bolton
- Jack Bower
- Les Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Leslie Brady
- Debra Brown
- Debra Brown
- Tiffany Brown
- Spirit Cannon
- Spirit Cannon
- Spirit Cannon
- Jason Carpenter
- Cathy Christopher
- Test Coworkeralex
- Cheryl Daniel
- John Edelson
- John Edelson
- John Edelson
- Jesse Ekblad
- Alex Emailtest
- Alex Freeteacher
- Paula Freidson
- Mary Gallagher
- Kim Gates
- Vierginie Gedeon
- Vierginie Gedeon
- Kelly Goins
- Gtm Test Gtm Test
- John Hanes
- Hgf Hgdfh
- Allen Holland
- Tim Horvath
- Tim Horvath
- Teresa Israels
- Mayor John
- Robert Johnson
- Brad Keith
- Colorado Kids
- Arlynn King
- Arlynn King
- Rhonda Kollmann
- Alex Leon
- Alex Leon
- Lg4klistgroup1 Lg4klistgroup1
- Madstudios Madstudios
- Carttestteacher Marketing
- Nofreetestteacher Marketing
- Carttestteacher Marketing2
- Jodie Mckibben
- Nancy Merrel
- Mnnm Mgjhg
- Lynn Molony
- Jennifer Montgomery
- Bam Newteacher
- Gf Ngf
- Gennaro Piccolo
- Ian Ragan
- Dany Rameriez
- Dany Ramirez
- Racheal Rice
- Evelyn Robinson
- Danielle Rodgers
- Ttewsst Seowomcw
- Holly Shapiro
- Rebecca Smith
- Cindy Soto
- Vocabulary Spellingcity
- Quick Start
- Quicker Start
- Erin Stone
- Qa Teacher
- Test Teacheralex
- Test Teacheralex1
- Teachercarttest Teachercarttest
- Testt Tesstee
- Alex Test
- John Test
- Production Test
- Qa Test
- Qa Test
- Test Test
- Testa1 Test
- Qa Test22
- Thomas Testerino
- Tim Testerino
- Tom Testerino
- Tomas Testerino
- Tommy Testerino
- Kris Testing
- Test Tests
- Testttt Testttt
- Kris Testytester
- Test User
- Test User1
- Alex Van Pelt
- Joanna Van Raden
- Alex Vanpelt
- Melissa Vasquez
- Josh Yang
- Jennifer Zeni
- Jennifer Zeni
- Jennifer Zeni
This school does not have an administrator. Learn more
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
- April Fab Middle School Of The Arts
- Floranada Elementary School
- General Unassigned School
- James S. Rickards Middle School
- Little Flower Montessori School
- Mevers School Of Excellence
- New Qa Test School
- Next Gen Writing Team
- North Andrews Gardens Elementary School
- Northeast High School
- Oakland Park Elementary School
- Pine Crest School
- Qa Temp School
- Sales Elementary School
- South Florida Academy
- Spelling City Publishers List
- Spirit And Jenna's Test School
- St Marks Episcopal School
- The New Qa School
- Vsc Elementary School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.