Panther Run Elementary School
Type: Public School
Grade Level: Elementary School
School District: Broward County Public Schools
Phone Number: (754) 323-6850
- Mary Brambier
- Suzanne Brenners
- Hannah Burke
- T Clark
- Dale Cohen
- Michelle Corbin
- Michelle Corbin
- Elizabeth Docteroff
- Sharon Ferrer
- Jamie Filo
- April Frisenda
- Diane Gabano
- Eric Gonzalez
- Eric Gonzalez
- Laura Gutierrez
- Allison Hennessy
- Maria Hernandez
- Amy Jackson
- Melony Jackson
- John King
- Kate Koester
- Sherry Law
- Kassie Mikkelsen
- Ana Pimentel
- Tania Pinto
- Janene Rivera
- Gabriella Rodriguez
- Nancy Rosario
- Nicole Roulhac
- Amy Sakowitz
- Bobbette Tanase
- Meryl Trager
- Lisa Vullo
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with
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VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.