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Minnesota Schools

Minnesota Geography Games and Minnesota Fun Facts

Information about Minnesota

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Minnesota Geography Games and Minnesota Fun Facts

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Minnesota Fun Facts
Information About Minnesota, Minnesota Geography, and Minnesota Schools

Minnesota has three unofficial nicknames: "The Gopher State; "Land of 10,000 Lakes;" and "The North Star State." Minnesota's state motto is "L'Etoile du Nord," French for "star of the north."

The state song is "Hail Minnesota." Residents of Minnesota are often referred to as "Minnesotans."

The capital of Minnesota is St. Paul and the largest city in Minnesota is Minneapolis. The abbreviation of Minnesota is MN.

The common Loon is the state bird of Minnesota. The Pink and White Lady's Slipper is the state flower and the Norway Pine is the state tree.

Minnesota is ranked 21st in population and received its statehood in 1858.

The bordering states of Minnesota are North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan.

Farming is a major industry in Minnesota. Farms for corn, soybeans, sugar beets, wheat and dairy products can be found in the state.

There were 847,204 K12 students in the Minnesota public schools in 1996. Out of those students 64,508 were first grade students. There were also 48,245 K12 public school teachers in the Minnesota public schools system. There were a total of 2,116 Minnesota public schools in 1996. (Source: IES National Center for Education Statistics)

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Want to know about preparing for the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Series II or the MCA II Standardized Test?

Are you interested in information on Homeschooling in Minnesota or a Minnesota homeschool parent support group?

Children with dyslexia often struggle in school. They have different academic strengths and needs and may require different learning methods. A computer based curriculum may be part of the educational answer for homeschooling children with dyslexia.

Ten Largest Cities in Minnesota
St. Paul
Brooklyn Park
St. Cloud
Maple Grove
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