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Hawaii Schools

Hawaii Geography Games and Hawaii Fun Facts

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Hawaii Geography Games and Hawaii Fun Facts

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Hawaii Fun Facts
Information About Hawaii, Hawaii Geography,
and Hawaii Schools

Hawaii, or the "Aloha State," is an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The capital of Hawaii is Honolulu and it is also the largest city in Hawaii. The residents are known as "Hawaiians." The state song for Hawaii is "Hawaii Ponoi."

The state flower is the Yellow Hibiscus and the state tree is the Kukui, also known as the candlenut tree. The state bird is the Nene, which is also known as the "Hawaiian Goose." These birds live on the volcanic slopes of Hawaii. Nenes are an endangered species, and there are only about 800 left in the wild. They are often attacked by mongoose, dogs, cats, hogs, and people.

Hawaii is known for its agriculture of bananas, pineapples, macadamia nuts, and taro. The taro plant is revered by Hawaiians because it plays a big part in Hawaiian legends. One is not even allowed to argue around taro because it is considered disrespectful.

Hawaii's state motto is "Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono," which means "The Life of the Land is perpetuated in Righteousness."

There were 187,653 K12 students in the Hawaii public schools in 1996. Out of those students 16,683 were first grade students. There were also 10,576 K12 public school teachers in the Hawaii public schools system. There were a total of 249 Hawaii public schools in 1996. (Source: IES National Center for Education Statistics)

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Want to know about preparing for the Hawaii Assessment of Knowledge and Skills or OAKS Standardized Tests?

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Ten Largest Cities in Hawaii
 Pearl City
 Mililani Town
 Ewa Gentry
 Mililani Mauka
(Source: U.S. Census, July, 2010)
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