- Jill Ake
- Brenda Baldassano
- Gregg Becker
- Regina Bielfeldt
- Emma Bley
- Kim Boundy
- Chris Bratta
- Edythe Buehring
- Carolyn Burno
- Scott Clemons
- Lindsay Dickens
- Carlene Dimaggio
- Colleen Downey
- Elena Dulek
- Stacy Eifert
- Fremont Fourth
- Rebecca Garcia
- Michelle Gauthier
- Fifth Grade
- Karen Hammerl
- Amanda Im
- Karen Keefe daguinsin
- Oksana Kushniryk
- Amanda Lace
- Hope Lipsky
- Carrie Liston
- Camryn Litka
- Robin Litz
- Mara Marasti
- Mrs Mazzocchi
- Sherry Mcandrews
- Sherry Mcandrews
- Karyn Mcelroy
- Patricia Nulton
- Melissa Ostrowski
- Melissa Ostrowski
- Mrs Ostrowski
- Sandy Ozimek
- Jacqui Park
- Erin Pilotte
- Meredith Price
- Amanda Ramirez
- Fis Reading
- Kellie Rouse
- Jillian Rudar
- Katie Rusin
- Amber Rychlik
- Amber Rychlik
- Marybeth Santi
- Marybeth Santi
- Marybeth Santi
- John Sents
- Mrs Sizemore
- Courtney Sliozis
- Jan Smith
- Kelly Suwinski
- Kellyu Swanson
- Amanda Thies
- Suzanne Tomaschtik
- C Tulley
- Carla Tulley
- Nancy Wadin
- Lynn Weingardt
- Lynn Weingardt
- Lynn Weingardt
- Mrs Weiss
- Susan Wittenkeller
- Kelly Zygmunt
- Kelly Zygmunt
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
- Carl Sandburg Middle School
- Carmel High School
- Cherished Children Early Learning Center
- Childrens House Of The North School
- Diamond Lake Elementary School
- Fairfield Academy
- Fremont Elementary School
- Fremont Middle School
- Lake Park Early Learning Center
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Mechanics Grove Elementary School
- Mundelein Cons High School
- St Mary Elementary School
- St. Mary Of The Annunciation School
- Washington Elementary School
- West Oak Intermediate School
- West Oak Middle School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.