- Brodnicki 1st
- Valentina Allen
- Suzy Anderson
- Courtney Ashley
- Christian Avelar
- Erin Baron
- Claire Bennett
- Judy Biel
- Jill Borst
- Molly Borst
- Courtney Brander
- Makayla Brown
- Anita Byrne
- Nicole Caldwell
- Erin Deane
- Michelle Deitelhoff
- Michelle Deitelhoff
- Mrs Delprete
- Dawn Dion
- Natalie Doogan
- Tina Edging
- Debra Elliott
- Debra Elliott2
- Lisa Gaeger
- Julian Gallardo
- Kimberly Gibson
- Leah Guerrieri
- Michael Harvey
- Taniyah Hogan
- Kristine Jensen
- Elizabeth Jonker
- Jennifer Kasper
- Kelly King
- Chris Knight
- Sylwia Koscielniak
- Susana Koulouris
- Mary Krejca
- Shanthi Kumar
- Julia Kuzma
- Krysta Legg
- Takayla Lesley
- Nicole Maguire
- Nicole Maguire
- Megan Mason
- Katie Mckeough
- Katie Mckeough Wtw
- Carlin Mcnulty
- Theresa Mctighe
- Jennifer Miele
- Jenny Miele
- Christina Mihalos
- Amanda Murphy
- Erin Murphy
- Erin Murphy
- Anna Ozog
- Amanda Pannaralla
- Kathy Parra
- Nicole Perino
- Ms Poole
- Sylwia Potaczek
- Theresa Poulsen
- Grace Pruim
- Stacy Ramos
- Valentina Rancic
- Amanda Riley
- Jaclyn Riplinger
- Yasmeen Ruhman
- Glory Sarna
- Don Smith
- Anita Spero
- Darlene Srmek
- Teresa Tylka
- Jessica Velazquez
- Lisa Vokac
- Kennedy Walker
- Jessica Walkosz
- Jessica Walkosz
- Jessica Walkosz
- Jessica Walkosz
- Jessica Walkosz
- Jessica Walkosz
- Shannon Watkins
- Kim Weimer
- Marykay Weir
- Patti Westhouse
- Lisa White
- Abigail Young
- Abigail Young
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.