Eighth Grade Science Vocabulary

The study of middle school science concepts is intriguing and challenging, yet the subject matter is vast. To succeed, students must gain a foundational understanding of the many complex science words used in the eighth grade science curriculum. Vocabulary drill and practice is the best way to master these complex science terms. Eighth grade science students can gain maximum meaning from science vocabulary when the words are coupled with sentences that engage real life context. Read MoreRead Less

VocabularySpellingCity provides organized and detailed lists of the most commonly used eighth grade science words. These comprehensive lists cover all topics typically taught in eighth grade science lesson plans. The lists and word usages provide clarity for difficult or confusing words that could be perplexing when simply looked up in a science dictionary. Whether eighth grade science students are engaged in science experiments, studying life science or earth science, or working on a science fair project, the lists below will benefit their study. Whether using the summary lists or the more in-depth lists, students can learn to use and understand the vocabulary words that are key at the middle school level as they prepare to advance to high school level science vocabulary.


8th Grade Science Sample List
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The following games are recommended for 8th Grade Science Vocabulary Lists.

Paragraph Writing Practice allows students to create a paragraph using their spelling or vocabulary words.

Play Paragraph Writing Practice with a 8th grade science list.

Vocabulary TestMe provides students with the opportunity to take a vocabulary test independently.

Play Vocabulary TestMe with a 8th grade science list.

8th Grade Science Topics

WhichWord? Definitions provides practice recognizing definitions for each spelling and vocabulary word.

Play WhichWord? Definitions with a 8th grade science list.