- Benjamin Albright
- Cameron Aldrich
- Christine Andrews
- Meaghan Arbital
- Esther Barreiro
- Steven Bellamy
- Jesse Bender
- Russell Blasko
- Lisa Burkhard
- Evelyne Butler
- Kevin Cafararo
- Daniel Camillo
- Mark Chambers
- Jacob Chapin
- Kelly Chapman
- Hilary Church
- Marierose Churey
- Judith Cogan
- Adam Curtis
- Meghan Dambeck
- Betsy Davison
- Gabrielle Defranco
- Lara Discenza
- Justin Dorman
- Jennifer Drake
- Paul Drexler
- Catherine Dymus
- Anne Marie Eby
- Kathleen Elliott birdsall
- Paul Feissner
- Jaime Francey henry
- Jeffrey Gambitta
- Robert Gambitta
- Richard Gamel
- Cory Giroux
- Kara Hallett
- Lauren Hallman
- Julie Haug
- Kim Hay
- Anna Higgins
- Quam Jackson
- Theresa Johnson
- Christi Jordan
- Jonathan Keefner
- Maria Keeney
- Jaime Kelsey
- Matthew Kinsella
- Haley Korcz
- Karen Krichbaum
- Mckenna L hommedieu
- Madeline Lamberton
- Dominick Leone
- Andrew Levinton
- Calvin Locke
- Chia Lor
- Daniel Maclean
- Mary Mcandrew
- Annette Mcmahon
- Joseph Mcmahon
- Jennifer Mcnerney
- Janice Meyer
- Lacey Mikochik
- Rebecca Miller
- Donna Murphy
- Adrienne Newcomb
- Elizabeth Niver
- Chelsea O donnell
- Cheri Olson
- Jill Pace
- Sherlyn Pallassino
- Keith Palm
- Sarah Panzarella
- Amy Parker
- Noel Passeri
- Stephanie Passeri densmore
- Sharon Phetteplace
- Roy Pratt
- Phillip Precourt
- Jordan Prignon
- Chad Putney
- Melissa Quinlan
- Jennifer Rafferty
- Stacy Rice
- James Robinson
- Shannon Root
- Stephen Russell
- Andrew Ryan
- Kimberly Sanderson
- Sarah Schaar
- Lindsay Schanz
- Meghan Slack
- Morgan Southwick
- Frances Speight
- Amy Sundheim
- Brian Tasselmyer
- Gavin Teeter
- Judith Thomas
- Victor Toro
- Bryan Tran
- Brooke Twitchell
- Charlene Urtz
- Ellen Walpole
- Pamela West
- Austin Wilson
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
- Alton B. Parker School - Closed
- Cortland Christian Academy
- Cortland Enlarged School District
- F E Smith Intermediate School
- Franklyn S Barry Primary School
- Park Side Christian School
- Randall Middle School
- St Mary's School
- Suny Cortland
- Victory Christian Academy
- Virgil Elementary School - Closed
- Walker Christian School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.