- Katie Alford
- Kathy Bartlett
- Emily Beam
- Michelle Beam
- Zachary Beck
- Angela Boulton
- Clarisa Camero
- Blanca Centeno
- Katy Cotton
- Raydene Crawford
- Liza Cunningham
- Kelli Dunn
- Kathleen Eubanks
- Kathleen Eubanks
- Janeth Fowlkes
- Clarisa Gallegos
- Jessica Gallegos
- Jessica Gallegos
- Jennifer Garza
- Jennifer Garza
- Robin Gibson
- Aldo Gonzalez
- Andrea Gutierrez
- Andrea Gutierrez
- Alexis Gutz
- Katelyn Hamilton
- Ashley Hann
- Mary Kate Hanna
- Marianne Hardesty
- Iris Hernandez
- Amy Holecek
- Barry Horst
- Amber Jaime
- Stephanie Japort
- Glenna Jenkins
- Lauryn Kirkhart
- Keely Kutscherousky
- Paisley Landry
- Ramona Lemos
- Rachel Lieber
- Rachel Martinez
- Emily Martinka
- Joanna Mayberry
- Lacey Melinder
- Ashley Miller
- Ms Mize
- Tiffany Mize
- Sarah Pedrotti
- Kayla Perry
- Lisa Plemons
- Elizabeth Reynoso
- Angie Rios
- Sadie Rodriguez
- Lisa Roe
- Lisa Roe
- Amy Russell
- Leighanne Scott
- Melanie Simons
- Dara Sliva
- Dara Sliva
- Jennifer Tacon
- Katie Tast
- Sarah Tatum
- Adriana Thompson
- Adrianna Thompson
- Erika Thompson
- Erika Thompson
- Erika Thopson
- Andrea Toledo
- Iliana Torres Quintero
- Delia Trevino
- Ellisa Warrick
- Kelsie Wible
- Ronald Williams
- Heather Williamson
- Diamond Winburne
- Caroline Winkler
- Marilissa Young
- Christa Zuege
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with SpellingCity.com
- Alta Vista Montessori Magnet School
- Bill Logue Detention Center
- Cesar Chavez Middle School
- Challenge Academy
- Challenge Academy
- Challenge Academy
- Robinson Elementary School
- Robinson High School
- Robinson Intermediate School
- Robinson Junior High School
- Robinson Primary School
- South Waco Elementary School
- Sul Ross Elementary School
- Waco Isd Alternative School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.