Academy Charter
Type: Public School
School District: Matanuska-susitna Borough School District - Other
Phone Number: (907) 746-2358
- Cady Agoff
- Jorge Andres
- Ads Asd
- Asdsd Assd
- Ciera Balding
- Megan Beling
- Cherie Benbow
- Verona Berg
- Megan Besse
- Tessa Bicar armstrong
- Jamiyah Bledsoe
- Michelle Booth
- Camryn Bruder
- Maya Cadiz
- Cristopher Castro
- Caroline Cazorla
- Ashley Chappel
- Cindy Chen
- Janean Collins
- Rubi Contreras
- Talon Crandall
- Francisco Cuering
- Hw D
- Merlin D Silva
- Andrew Dennis
- Jessica Drummond
- Jessica Drummond
- Cd Dse
- Rong Duan
- Deidre Edwards
- Amy Ekelmann
- Nouf Faisal
- Lisa Field
- Gehad Foaad
- Savannah Genyard
- Barbara Gerard
- Caleb Gould
- Ashton Grace
- Austin Grimes
- Clarissa Hartzell
- Ibrahim Hasan
- Mauricio Hernandez
- Karen Hewett
- Daniel Himel
- Misty Holler
- Amos Irving
- Damon Jones
- Mike Jones
- Nesma Kamal
- Tamela Kile
- Kathy Kinneen
- Kimberly Kramer
- Leo Lin
- Melissa Long
- Patsy Manley
- Olga Manmar
- Norangelis Marrero
- Joel Marroquin
- Kayla Martin
- Angel Martinez
- Betsy Mayer
- Lidya Mehari
- Rebecca Mejia
- Hassan Mohmud
- Stacy Molina
- Danny Montalvo
- Hasell Morales
- Lily Morgan
- Halima Mukoma
- Doan Duy Nam
- Mariam Namusoke
- Trang Nguy n
- Kelse Niday
- Daniel Norbo
- Peter Olson
- Issmat Omari
- Cecilia Oscanoa
- A P
- Jamey Pabst
- John Pease
- Jackson Person
- Pamela Quiros
- Julian Ramirez
- Monica Ramirez
- Lindsey Redmond garvey
- Edward Reilly
- Laura Richardson
- Aubree Robinson
- Marcela Rodriguez
- Adrian Rosendo
- Keirra Sauls
- Hanalei Scaife
- Jared Schumacher
- Jaylor Scrinmps
- Angela Sferragatta
- Laura Shones
- Mira Stick
- Sabra Sturgis
- Jalem Suduko
- Liam Tab
- Marcella Thornton
- Jordyn Tillie
- Robert Titus
- Georgia Tompkins
- Chi nan Tu
- Ryan Umbe
- William Vaughan
- Patricia Vella
- Anne Wang
- Chloe Wiggins
- Mary Wright
This school does not have an administrator. Learn more
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* Teachers from this school that have signed up with
- Alaska Job Corps Center
- Amazing Grace Academy
- Beryozova School
- Birchtree Charter School
- Butte Elementary
- Colony High School
- Colony Middle School
- Matanuska Christian School
- Matanuska-susitna Borough School District
- Palmer High School
- Palmer Jr Middle School
- Pioneer Peak Elementary
- Sherrod Elementary
- Swanson Elementary
- Valley Christian School
- Valley Pathways School
VocabularySpellingCity's mission is to facilitate vocabulary development, phonics, and writing skills through a word study tool that allows for differentiated instruction while working with vocabulary and spelling word lists. The site has been particularly useful in engaging struggling students, facilitating English language vocabulary skills with ESL students, building a school-home link, and simplifying teachers' and parents' administrative work.
The most popular learning activities are word unscramble, wordsearch, hangman, crossword puzzle, alphabetical order practice, grammar, handwriting practice worksheets, and writing activities.